Tuesday, December 24, 2019

History of Animal Testing Essay - 516 Words

Animal Testing is when people use animals in experiments, to test their reaction to what is being tested. The range of animals used in testing is from tens of millions to more than a hundred million used annually. There has been much debate about this topic, because, animals are the most reliable sources to use, especially mice, because we share 95% of our genes with them, which makes them the most common animals to use. Although, many people think animal testing is crude and inaccurate science, but the other hand is, would we rather use humans? Animal testing has been going on since 500BC, found in ancient Greek writing. People believed that animals were lacking intelligence so it didn’t matter to them. Although, Theophrastus disagreed,†¦show more content†¦Viv sectors are the scientists and doctors that perform animal testing. An average day at work for them is poisoning, shocking, burning, and killing animals. Humans have found specific animals that they are testing, and they have always been testing on these animals. Humans have always been testing on animals, and they have never even thought of testing on humans. We have been using innocent animals for our own products, which only use humans are going to be using, so why are we using animals? The only reason why we are using animals is because we are too selfish to use ourselves. There have been many surveys and research on what we humans think about this. Many people have mentioned that it isn’t fair because animals can’t show or tell us t heir pain. Although, some people feel that it is completely necessarily to test on animals because otherwise, we wouldn’t have had all the medicine we have, and many more products would have been unsafe to use. During an interview between DoSomething.org and Nancy Beck Ph.D. and the science and policy adviser at Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the question asked was â€Å"Why can’t most animals be put up for adoption after they’re testing is finished?† and Nancy Beck replied â€Å"Animals are often killed as part of the test, in order to determine whether there has been any toxicity to their internal organs†. This shows that most animals who get put into animal testing never come back out, they are ended upShow MoreRelated History and Pros of Animal Testing Essay1233 Words   |  5 PagesHistory and Pros of Animal Testing Abstract: Animal research refers to the use of non-human animals for testing or experimenting on. The first recorded use of animals for testing started with the Greeks in the third and fourth century BC. The use of animals for testing is usually in the basic fields of; biomedical research, security, evaluation and education of a product. 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