Monday, October 7, 2019

Reading response Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Reading response - Article Example Poets like Yang Wanli (1127-1206) saw the natural environment as an art image brushed using paper and ink. This is the main reason for the utilization of visual images in the poems (Ortiz 257). The Cambridge illustrated history of China is attractive and historically significant. The author applies an integration of economic events and political history, through adequate analysis of; wide cultural changes, political institutions, demographics, religious history, and intellectual history. The author also adequately illustrates the western and the Chinese different perspectives on the past. The songwriters and thinkers were very anxious due to the inability of the Song government to realize adequate military dominance. The individuals who showed the threats of the northern neighbors did not adequately recommend the utilization of foreign styles. They strongly stressed Chinese cultural identity. Han Yu did not embrace Buddhism in china, because it was not Chinese or indigenous (151). Shie Jie explained that it was not appropriate for the Chinese to abandon their ancestors and the sacrifices provided to them. The controversial issues related to Chinese culture loyalty were ana lyzed by the song painters and also poets by the depictions of common stories of women of Chinese origin, forced to reside with the barbarians (Ebrey 150). Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting describes diverse painting approaches; Neolithic petroglyphs images, early silk paintings, paintings of the landscape through the twelfth century literati, and the present day hand strolls. Chinese paintings always illustrates the abilities of enthralling. The book effectively studies the Chinese painting history that covers approximately three thousand years. The book applies several images of Chinese paintings to show historical trends of paintings. The

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